2D Medical Segmentation
- MICCAI 2019
- Automated Lesion Detection by Regressing Intensity-Based Distance with a Neural Network
- Attention Guided Network for Retinal Image SegmentationPytorch
- Impact of Adversarial Examples on Deep Learning Models for Biomedical Image Segmentation[Code]
- Recurrent Aggregation Learning for Multi-View Echocardiographic Sequences Segmentation
- NoduleNet: Decoupled False Positive Reductionfor Pulmonary Nodule Detection and Segmentation
- ET-Net: A Generic Edge-aTtention Guidance Network for Medical Image SegmentationCode
- Multi-task Localization and Segmentation for X-ray Guided Planning in Knee Surgery
- Mixed-Supervised Dual-Network for Medical Image Segmentation
- Assessing Reliability and Challenges of Uncertainty Estimations for Medical Image Segmentation[Code]
- INN: Inflated Neural Networks for IPMN Diagnosis(30 Jun)[Code]
- Anatomical Priors for Image Segmentation via Post-Processing with Denoising Autoencoders
- Boundary and Entropy-driven Adversarial Learning for Fundus Image Segmentation[Pytorch][Dataset]
- Supervised Uncertainty Quantification for Segmentation with Multiple Annotations
- Adversarial Learning with Multiscale Features and Kernel Factorization for Retinal Blood Vessel Segmentation(5 Jul)
- FocusNet: Imbalanced Large and Small Organ Segmentation with an End-to-End Deep Neural Network for Head and Neck CT Images
- CVPR 2019
- AAAI 2019
- ISBI2019
- A Novel Focal Tversky loss function with improved Attention U-Net for lesion segmentation(Oct 2018)[Keras]
- Automated Segmentation of Pulmonary Lobes using Coordination-Guided Deep Neural Networks(Apr 2019)
- Automatic Pulmonary Lobe Segmentation Using Deep Learning(Mar 2019)
- Deep Learning with Anatomical Priors: Imitating Enhanced Autoencoders in Latent Space for Improved Pelvic Bone Segmentation in MRI(March 2019)
- US-net for robust and efficient nuclei instance segmentation(Jan 2019)
- Deep Convolutional Encoder-Decoders with Aggregated Multi-Resolution Skip Connections for Skin Lesion Segmentation
- Mask-RCNN and U-net Ensembled for Nuclei Segmentation(Jan 2019)
- Using CycleGANs for effectively reducing image variability across OCT devices and improving retinal fluid segmentation
- U2-Net: A Bayesian U-Net model with epistemic uncertainty feedback for photoreceptor layer segmentation in pathological OCT scans
- SUMNet: Fully Convolutional Model for Fast Segmentation of Anatomical Structures in Ultrasound Volumes
- Learning Mutually Local-global U-nets For High-resolution Retinal Lesion Segmentation in Fundus Images
- Cascade Decoder: A Universal Decoding Method for Biomedical Image Segmentation
- Residual Pyramid FCN for Robust Follicle Segmentation
- Classification and Detection in Mammograms with Weak Supervision via Dual Branch Deep Neural(Net Apr 2019)[oral]
- EMBC 2019
- MIDL 2019
- CA-RefineNet:A Dual Input WSI Image Segmentation Algorithm Based on Attention
- Deep Q Learning Driven CT Pancreas Segmentation with Geometry-Aware U-Net(Apr 2019))[IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging,TMI]
- CE-Net: Context Encoder Network for 2D Medical Image Segmentation(Mar 2019)[Pytorch][Pytorch2][IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging,TMI]
- The Mutex Watershed and its Objective: Efficient, Parameter-Free Image Partitioning[IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PATTERN ANALYSIS AND MACHINE INTELLIGENCE]
- Patch-based Output Space Adversarial Learning for Joint Optic Disc and Cup Segmentation[IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging,TMI]
- Task Decomposition and Synchronization for Semantic Biomedical Image Segmentation(May 2019)[IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging,TMI]
- NAS-Unet: Neural Architecture Search for Medical Image Segmentation(Apr 2019)[IEEE Access]
- 3-D Surface Segmentation Meets Conditional Random Fields
- other
- Automatic segmentation of kidney and liver tumors in CT images
- Unsupervised Microvascular Image Segmentation Using an Active Contours Mimicking Neural Network
- Learning Cross-Modal Deep Representations for Multi-Modal MR Image Segmentation
- Regularizing Proxies with Multi-Adversarial Training for Unsupervised Domain-Adaptive Semantic Segmentation
- A Two Stage GAN for High Resolution Retinal Image Generation and Segmentation
- Multi-Task Attention-Based Semi-Supervised Learning for Medical Image Segmentation
- Lung image segmentation by generative adversarial networks
- Unsupervised Domain Adaptation via Disentangled Representations: Application to Cross-Modality Liver Segmentation
- Annotation-Free Cardiac Vessel Segmentation via Knowledge Transfer from Retinal Images
- Self-Adaptive 2D-3D Ensemble of Fully Convolutional Networks for Medical Image Segmentation
- Automated Muscle Segmentation from Clinical CT using Bayesian U-Net for Personalization of a Musculoskeletal Model
- ASCNet: Adaptive-Scale Convolutional Neural Networks for Multi-Scale Feature Learning
- DSNet: Automatic Dermoscopic Skin Lesion Segmentation[Code]
- A multi-task U-net for segmentation with lazy labels(20 Jun)
- An Efficient Solution for Breast Tumor Segmentation and Classification in Ultrasound Images Using Deep Adversarial LearningJul 2019)
- CaDSS: Cataract Dataset for Semantic Segmentation
- Multi-Scale Attentional Network for Multi-Focal Segmentation of Active Bleed after Pelvic Fractures
- Multiclass segmentation as multitask learning for drusen segmentation in retinal optical coherence tomography
- Compressed Sensing MRI via a Multi-scale Dilated Residual Convolution Network
- V-NAS: Neural Architecture Search for Volumetric Medical Image Segmentation
- Multi-scale guided attention for medical image segmentation[Pytorch]
- Decompose-and-Integrate Learning for Multi-class Segmentation in Medical Images
- A Hierarchical Probabilistic U-Net for Modeling Multi-Scale Ambiguities
- Deep Dilated Convolutional Nets for the Automatic Segmentation of Retinal Vessels
- Segmentation of blood vessels in retinal fundus images
- A multi-path 2.5 dimensional convolutional neural network system for segmenting stroke lesions in brain MRI images(May 2019)
- A 2D dilated residual U-Net for multi-organ segmentation in thoracic CT(May 2019)
- Dual-branch residual network for lung nodule segmentation(May 2019)
- A novel algorithm for segmentation of leukocytes in peripheral blood(May 2019)
- Transfer Learning based Detection of Diabetic Retinopathy from Small Dataset(May 2019)
- iRA-Net: Bilinear Attention Net for Diabetic Retinopathy Grading(May 2019)
- Liver Lesion Segmentation with slice-wise 2D Tiramisu and Tversky loss function(May 2019)
- T-Net: Encoder-Decoder in Encoder-Decoder architecture for the main vessel segmentation in coronary angiography
- Breast Tumor Classification and Segmentation using Convolutional Neural Networks(May 2019)
- nnU-Net: Breaking the Spell on Successful Medical Image Segmentation(Apr 2019)[Code]
- Feature Fusion Encoder Decoder Network For Automatic Liver Lesion Segmentation(Mar 2019)
- MDU-Net: Multi-scale Densely Connected U-Net for biomedical image segmentation(Dec 2018)
- Segmentation of the Prostatic Gland and the Intraprostatic Lesions on Multiparametic MRI Using Mask-RCNN(Apr 2019)
- FatSegNet : A Fully Automated Deep Learning Pipeline for Adipose Tissue Segmentation on Abdominal Dixon MRI( Apr 2019)
- FocusNet: An attention-based Fully Convolutional Network for Medical Image Segmentation(https://arxiv.org/abs/1902.03091)
- Skin Cancer Segmentation and Classification with NABLA-N and Inception Recurrent Residual Convolutional Networks
- IPMI 2018
- other
Before 2018
3D Medical Segmentation
- MICCAI 2019
- X-Net: Brain Stroke Lesion Segmentation Based on Depthwise Separable Convolution and Long-range Dependencies[Keras]
- Project & Excite Modules for Segmentation of Volumetric Medical Scans[Pytorch]
- A Partially Reversible U-Net for Memory-Efficient Volumetric Image Segmentation[Pytorch][Pytorch2]
- Improving Deep Lesion Detection Using 3D Contextual and Spatial Attention
- Permutohedral Attention Module for Efficient Non-Local Neural Networks(Jul 2019)[Pytorch][Dataset]
- Generative adversarial network for segmentation of motion affected neonatal brain MRI
- Learning Shape Representation on Sparse Point Clouds for Volumetric Image Segmentation[Code]
- Anatomical Priors for Image Segmentation via Post-Processing with Denoising Autoencoders
- Decompose-and-Integrate Learning for Multi-class Segmentation in Medical Images
- PseudoEdgeNet: Nuclei Segmentation only with Point Annotations
- PHiSeg: Capturing Uncertainty in Medical Image Segmentation
- Cardiac MRI Segmentation with Strong Anatomical Guarantees(5 Jul)
- Data Efficient Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Cross-Modality Image Segmentation(5 Jul)
- IPMI2019
- ISBI2019
- arxiv
- An attempt at beating the 3D U-Net
- Multi Scale Supervised 3D U-Net for Kidney and Tumor Segmentation
- A Unified Point-Based Framework for 3D Segmentation
- 2D and 3D Segmentation of uncertain local collagen fiber orientations in SHG microscopy
- Convolutional neural network stacking for medical image segmentation in CT scans
- CLCI-Net: Cross-Level fusion and Context Inference Networks for Lesion Segmentation of Chronic StrokeKeras
- Unsupervised Segmentation of Hyperspectral Images Using 3D Convolutional Autoencoders
- FD-FCN: 3D Fully Dense and Fully Convolutional Network for Semantic Segmentation of Brain Anatomy
- AirwayNet: A Voxel-Connectivity Aware Approach for Accurate Airway Segmentation Using Convolutional Neural Networks
- CU-Net: Cascaded U-Net with Loss Weighted Sampling for Brain Tumor Segmentation
- A fully 3D multi-path convolutional neural network with feature fusion and feature weighting for automatic lesion identification in brain MRI images
- Brain Tissues Segmentation on MR Perfusion Images Using CUSUM Filter for Boundary Pixels
- Improving 3D U-Net for Brain Tumor Segmentation by Utilizing Lesion Prior(29 Jun )
- Improving the generalizability of convolutional neural network-based segmentation on CMR images
- CSSegNet: Fine-Grained Cardiac Structures Segmentation Using Dilated Pyramid Pooling in U-net
- Anatomically Consistent Segmentation of Organs at Risk in MRI with Convolutional Neural Networks
- https://arxiv.org/ftp/arxiv/papers/1906/1906.10486.pdf
- Scalable Neural Architecture Search for 3D Medical Image Segmentation
- Enforcing temporal consistency in Deep Learning segmentation of brain MR images
- 4D CNN for semantic segmentation of cardiac volumetric sequences
- Cardiac Segmentation from LGE MRI Using Deep Neural Network Incorporating Shape and Spatial Priors
- A sparse annotation strategy based on attention-guided active learning for 3D medical image segmentation
- OctopusNet: A Deep Learning Segmentation Network for Multi-modal Medical Images
- AssemblyNet: A Novel Deep Decision-Making Process for Whole Brain MRI Segmentation
- Fully Automated Pancreas Segmentation with Two-stage 3D Convolutional Neural Networks(Jun 2019)[ cross-validation]
- Generative Model-Based Ischemic Stroke Lesion Segmentation(Jun 2019)
- Automated Segmentation for Hyperdense Middle Cerebral Artery Sign of Acute Ischemic Stroke on Non-Contrast CT Images(May 2019)
- 3D Dense Separated Convolution Module for Volumetric Image Analysis(May 2019)[[cross validation]]
- RIU-Net: Embarrassingly simple semantic segmentation of 3D LiDAR point cloud(May 2019)
- Thickened 2D Networks for 3D Medical Image Segmentation(Apr 2019)
- Spherical U-Net on Cortical Surfaces: Methods and Applications(Apr 2019)[cross-validation]
- 3D Dilated Multi-Fiber Network for Real-time Brain Tumor Segmentation in MRI(Apr 2019)[Pytorch][online-evaluation]
- Fully Automatic Segmentation of 3D Brain Ultrasound: Learning from Coarse Annotations(Apr 2019)[cross-validation]
Before 2018
Brain Tissue Segmentation
- Paper
- DeepMRSeg: A convolutional deep neural network for anatomy and abnormality segmentation on MR images
- Brain MR Image Segmentation in Small Dataset with Adversarial Defense and Task Reorganization
- 3D Patchwise U-Net with Transition Layers for MR Brain Segmentation(Rank 1)[TensorFlow]
- MixNet: Multi-modality Mix Network for Brain Segmentation(Rank3)[tensorflow]
- Robust 3D Convolutional Neural Network with Boundary Correction for Accurate Brain Tissue Segmentation(Rank3)[Keras]
- Automatic Brain Structures Segmentation Using Deep Residual Dilated U-Net(Rank9)
- On direct distribution matching for adapting segmentation networks(Apr 2019)[Code]
MS lesion segmentation
- Paper
- Soft labeling by Distilling Anatomical knowledge for Improved MS Lesion Segmentation(Jan 2019)[ISBI2019]
- Multiple Sclerosis Lesion Synthesis in MRI using an encoder-decoder U-NET(Jan 2019)
- Multiple Sclerosis Lesion Inpainting Using Non-Local Partial Convolutions(Dec 2018)
- A Self-Adaptive Network For Multiple Sclerosis Lesion Segmentation From Multi-Contrast MRI With Various Imaging Protocols(Nov 2018)
- Multi-branch Convolutional Neural Network for Multiple Sclerosis Lesion Segmentation(Nov 2018)[NeuroImage]
- Exploring Uncertainty Measures in Deep Networks for Multiple Sclerosis Lesion Detection and Segmentation((Aug 2018)[MICCAI 2018]